Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Past Experience with Shakespeare

Throughout the years, I have had many forced exposures to Shakespeare. Despite many negative experiences I have discovered some really enjoyable elements and perspectives to Shakespeare.

The language is difficult and often hard to understand; however, well-done plays make the text much more accessible.

My favorite play is Macbeth. I love the complex themes and psychological elements of the main characters. The question of madness driven by greed, poisoned by guilt.

Shakespeare often takes a mythological or extreme situation to very common and plausible situations. That is what makes Shakespeare so relevant today. The study of human nature has evolved and Shakespeare is a master at articulating certain elements of common human nature to study. There is also a complexity in character motivations because--after all--we are not creatures of simplicity.

I look forward to continuing to discover Shakespeare as I learn to appreciate and value his works.


  1. You could certainly return to Macbeth and deepen your understanding of that play. Glad you are up and going with your blog!

  2. awesome! :) I'm glad you're willing to read Shakespeare again.

  3. Yea, Shakespeare is difficult to read. It was meant to be performed and a good performance can make it completely understandable.

  4. @ Mikhaela: experience has taught me this same concept. On the other hand, a bad performance can make Shakespeare impossible to understand or very crude depending on the play.

    I'm glad that I have been able to reach out and see multiple--good and bad--performances of Shakespeare's plays.
